June 8 - 18, 2017 | Chapel Off Chapel

Lin-Manuel Miranda’s 21 Chump Street is a beautiful fifteen-minute musical. It’s bite-sized but full of heart and Pursued by Bear have cast a great group of performers to bring it to life.
— Theatre People

Based on the real-life story of Opearation D Minus as reported on acclaimed NPR radio show This American Life.

A cautionary tale of high-school love infused with Lin-Manual Miranda's unique wit and distinct music-stylings. 21 Chump Street explores the moral ambiguity between a strict war on drugs and the unexpected realities of its enforcemnt. 

Facing peer-pressure, undercover police officers and prom, Justin Laboy learns all too quickly how one istake in the name of love can plunge a life into ruin. Torn between two conflicting stories, 21 Chump Street explores the re-creation of a tale through narrative framing and begs the question of just who and what we can believe.

The cast’s energetic and comical delivery of Miranda’s vibrant contemporary score is a joy to watch and pleasantly masks the bitter pill of the shows true purpose as a thought-provoking critique of the shortcomings in America’s ongoing and costly “war on drugs.”
— Broadway World

Director: Byron Bache  
Assistant Director: Clary Riven  
Musical Director: Caleb Garfinkel  

Justin Laboy: Jake Fehily     
Naomi Rodriguez: Olivia Charalambous
Narrator: Lauren Edwards
Ensemble: Kai Mann-Robertson
Ensemble: Stephanie Marion Wood
Ensemble: Nicola Bowman

Production Photos: Fon Photography
Headshot Photos: Lissa + Laz

SX Design & Operation: Celine Khong
LX Design & Operation: Jason Crick
Stage Manager: Diane Pereira

Keys: Stephanie Lewendone-Lowe
Cello: Ellen Duhig
Violin: Sarah Nieuwkerk
Drums: Andy Rousch
Guitar: Caleb Garfinkel